Individual Tests

Showing 11 -20 Of 780 Results

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17-Hydroxypregnenolone, Mass Spectrometry (Endocrine Sciences)
150 AED
17-Hydroxypregnenolone, Pre- and Post-ACTH Stimulation
200 AED
17-Hydroxyprogesterone, Serum
80 AED
17-Ketosteroids, Urine
160 AED
17-OH Progesterone, LC/MS, ACTH Stimulation, Serum
200 AED
17-OH Progesterone, LC/MS, Serum
75 AED
17-OH Progesterone, LC/MS, Three Specimens, Serum
325 AED
17-OH Progesterone, LC/MS, Two Specimens, Serum
150 AED
17-OH Progesterone, Serum by LCMS, (4 Specimens), Serum
400 AED
17-OH Progesterone/Creatinine Ratio, 24-Hour Urine
90 AED

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